Created recently | Madárfészek–Godako Ökölvívó Akadémia FoundationFounded in 2017, the Transylvanian Madárfészek–-Godako Boxing Academy trains more than a hundred children and young athletes. The center from Gyorgyószentmiklós cooperates with boxing associations from Sepsiszentgyörgy, Csíkszereda, Marosvásárhely, Székelyudvarhely and Szalonta. Our goal is to further increase the number of our athletes and to promote the popularity of boxing. | Visit website |
| Hosting packagesOferim servicii de găzduire web şi înregistrare domenii pe servere SSD.
| Detailed information |
| Reasons to choose ColorwebThe main activity of ColorWeb is website design. Our services have later broadened with flyers, posters, business cards, and the designing of other graphic material and their typographic administration.
Our goal is to provide quality services, using the latest technical improvements and graphic solutions to support the outlook of our partners on the internet. Since the webpage is one of the most widespread means of advertising, our aim is to offer you the best thing possible at an accessible price.
Outlook and functional utility is also important to us. When designing the web pages, besides the image, we place emphasis on the easy and simple accessing of the web page by its users. The requests of the clients are focused on when designing the web page. | Services:
- Web page designing, production and maintenance,
- SSD Webhosting service,
- Domain name registrations,
- Creating and managing e-mail addresses,
- Search engine optimization (SEO),
- Photography, digital postproduction, touch up,
- Flyers, posters, business cards, catalogues, calendars, logos and the designing and typographic administration of other promotional materials,
- Technical support/services.
| Webpage types:- Business web pages,
- Company presenting web pages,
- Information web pages,
- Personal web pages,
- Webshops,
- Micro web pages.
| Technical designing of web pages: - HTM/HTML (static),
- PHP (dynamic),
- CSS (style programming),
- MySQL (database managing & processing),
- Base64 (image encoder).